Crystals have been used in medicinal practices for thousands of years, and I’m not dismissing modern medicine, but I think these ancient practices were definitely on to something!
Crystals are natural, they grow from the earth and like all natural substances they have their own vibrations. It’s also important to note that all crystals have their own frequency that they’re always emitting, for example, Quartz has a different frequency than Diamonds. Because crystal vibrations are always the same, when their vibrations interact with another energy, they alter it to attune to their level. This is why some raise your vibrations, bringing you joy and energy, whilst others lower your vibrations bringing you tranquillity and calming you down. For them to really work, you need to connect with the energy of the crystal and bring it into your energy field. It’s the bio-energy (human energy) that can really release the power of the crystal, so much so that Ehud Abrahamson believes that using Clear Quartz and copper is more effective than needles in acupuncture.
If you’re still here, at least some of what I’m saying has resonated with you, but for some of you thinking this is all ‘woo-woo’ I’m here to tell you that there’s actually a lot of science behind what I’m saying! Whether you think it’s purely the placebo effect or not, many neuroscientists have de-bunked all the mystical myths surrounding crystal energy and manifesting. So, I’d invite you to take a read of some of my recommended reads to find out more….