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Sign up for 10% off your first order, private sales, and the insider tips.
January 12, 2021
Colour is a great way to evoke feelings or emotions and we naturally associate colours to them: when we’re sad we feel blue, when we’re angry we see red and we even feel green with envy.
It’s not surprising that we also subconsciously use colours to lift our mood and reflect our feelings. Using the energies of these shades can boost your mental and physical health by calming us, expressing our love or cheering us up when we’re feeling low.
When we connect with the colours of the jewellery we wear it gives them a deeper meaning and makes them all the more significant.
We’ve put together our own colour edit to help you find deeper meaning to your forever pieces and help you enhance and enrich your lives through the magic of colour.
Blue manifests tranquility, reflective of the sea and sky. As someone who lives by the sea I know first hand how soothing it can be to the soul and the way in which it has a majestical way of resolving conflicts. Conjuring the energy and strength of the oceans creates a sense of inner harmony. The blue tones help to stimulate mental clarity, creative expression and aspiration.
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