8 Secrets to Powerful Manifesting by Mandy Morris - Amy Russell Taylor

8 Secrets to Powerful Manifesting by Mandy Morris


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Achieve the life you deserve and desire using the tools of the most highly effective manifesters. Manifestation expert Mandy Morris shares eight powerful manifestation secrets based on divine guidance, scientific research, and a decade of work that are fast, effective, and proven.

Mandy will dive into the eight powerful secrets of the most highly effective manifesters that have changed both her own life and the lives of countless clients. In clear detail, she’ll demonstrate how mastering these secrets can change anyone’s life beyond their wildest dreams, and she’ll explain how to remove the mental, emotional, and energetic blocks that stop people from manifesting easily and consistently from a high vibrational state.

Throughout the book, she will substantiate her points with personal and client anecdotes, as well as psychology and scientific data.

About This Product

  • Product Details
    • Publication Date: 03/22/22
      Print Length: 248
      Published by Hay House

  • Shipping
    • All wellbeing & home items under the value of £30 will be shipped first class post. Orders over £30 will be shipped via special delivery. Your items will be dispatched up to 48hrs from the date of order. Any items that are ordered in addition to jewellery will be shipped with your entire order. Once your item(s) have been shipped you will be notified.

  • Why Amy Loves
    • The lady that kicked off my manifestation journey and paved the way for a deeper understanding of my subconscious. I will forever be grateful to this woman and this book as it literally changed my life. I went from being on autopilot and stuck on a spin cycle to decoding the blockages I didn't even know I had which opened me up to attract everything I wanted. And, of course, she now owns one of my manifestation dials!

  • Learn More

  • About the Author
    • Mandy Morris is an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and manifestation expert. She is the creator of Authentic Living, an online company designed to help individuals reconnect with their authentic selves to find purpose, peace, and deep healing. Mandy and her brands have been featured in media outlets that include Shape, Mind Body Green, The Chalkboard, BuzzFeed, Well + Good, and Thrive Global, as well as on notable podcasts including The Jenny McCarthy Show, Your Own Magic, and Hungry for Happiness.

  • What You'll Learn
    • • Infuse the manifestation process with self-love to help you work through your past, set positive intentions, and create a high vibration for manifestation goals to come true.
      • Detangle the dense energy (which impacts the neurological pathways) by understanding why what we want doesn’t show up, so we can set a clear path of creation. (Think of an unpaved road with potholes versus a smooth drive to your destination)
      • Create ways to energetically check in with yourself
      • Find ways to strengthen self-love
      • Embrace positive, intentional energy in all that you do
      • Manage your psychological triggers with what she calls “pattern interrupts”
      • Examine the “rules” you live by and be brave enough to rewrite them
